The abolition of vaccination certificates from Sunday, May 1, was suggested by the committee of experts for coronavirus, after the meeting held on 28/5/22.
In more detail, the committee recommended the suspension of the covid pass from 1 May and the resumption of capacity to 100%, the suspension of the EUDCC certificate at the country’s gates, 1 rapid test per week (out of two until now) for unvaccinated workers, except for hospitals and nursing homes that remain 2 rapid tests per week for unvaccinated workers, 1 rapid test (up from 2 until now) for unvaccinated teachers. There will be clarifications from the Ministry of Education.
Regarding the mandatory use of a mask, experts suggest that it remain as a measure for indoor and public transport.
The above measures concern both tourists and their entry into the country.
The Commission’s proposal was accepted by the Government and the details will be clarified in the forthcoming JMC.